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  在中国,《阿凡达》 重映的票房超过了《花木兰》   






  由于《阿凡达》 在中国重新上映,不仅使其超越了《复仇者联盟:终局之战》 在历史票房榜上的地位,而且现在它在过去10天的票房收入也超过了迪士尼翻拍的《花木兰》 在中国观众中的收入。   






  虽然《花木兰》 在美国得到了评论家的普遍好评,但1998年的动画片的粉丝们对它的反应却不温不火,而中国观众也对它提出了批评,认为它是对中国文化中最受欢迎的故事之一的不准确的美国化版本。尽管迪士尼希望该片能吸引中国观众,刘亦菲、巩俐等本土明星领衔主演,但《花木兰》 在中国的票房只有《狮子王》 翻拍版1.2亿美元的三分之一。   






  根据《阿凡达》 在接下来几周的表现,这部重映片可能会成为自2020年数字一(一)月大流行病迫使中国影院关闭以来,在中国票房最高的好莱坞电影。这一门槛已经被克里斯托弗-诺兰的《信条》 刷新,该片去年夏天在中国的票房为6600万美元。其他《阿凡达》 可以超过的电影包括皮克斯的《心灵之旅》 (5700万美元)和环球/梦工厂的《疯狂原始人2》 (5300万美元)。   




  总的来说,《阿凡达》 现在的终身票房总额为28.3亿美元,比《复仇者联盟:终局之战》 的总票房高出约3600万   






Yes! The message was literally the exact opposite of empowering!

They only had to do the Lion King route and made it the same frx-by-frx and it would had been a success. I have no idea why they didn't take that route and turn it into just another Hua Mulan film, which there are plenty already.










Why would anyone go see a movie they've already seen shot for shot? What's the point of making that movie?

Would be fun to see a bright colorful animated movie transition to real life. CGI is amazing these days and it would be a fun watch.
Why would you rewatch a movie you’ve already seen? Because it’s fun and I like it.

New mulan was probably the worst film and I had such high hopes, to be let down not a single song no mushu, it was just an action flick by disney that had zero character development it was such crap just trying to forget it

Or like beauty and the beast, which was essentially the same plot as the original with some changes here and there and some added scenes

That chi thing was so bullshit and unessasary. There was zero reason for it to exist. Like you just randomly get chi and all of a sudden your better than everyone else with zero training.

It was also based off of a really flawed misunderstanding of what chi is. It's, like, life energy. Everything alive has it. Just having chi doesn't give you superpowers.






The problem with 3D films is there are two ways to make them, there’s the right way and the cheap way. The right way is to use specialized equipment to film it in 3D, very few movies do this. The cheap way is to pay some 3D studio to edit the film to make it seem 3D, this almost always sucks.

Imagine the people who paid for premier access to watch that.

I can't believe they made a move about a Chinese person set in China and had everyone speak fucking English.




I hated this so much, I saw Mulan as a kid in theatres and didn't expect much of it at all, easily became a favorite animated movie for me and really made me start appreciating badass female characters in a way I never did before. The "magic chi" BS was such a counter productive message, her cunning, skill and bravery were her true strengths, she wasn't physically the strongest but she didn't need to be, she was on her own level entirely.

The original Mulan had charm coming out its ears, the live action is just a flat and generic action movie. It's like taking the Princess Bride and making it a movie about sword fights.

And there was not a single drop of blood to be seen in the movie and I think only like 3 people actually got killed.

I should add that, tonally, the movie failed.
Yes, while the war is the central conflict and influences the plot, Mulan is not a war film. The original had its focus geared toward Mulan's struggles as a woman trying to (1) serve as a man to protect her father and (2) bring honor to her family. At the same time. the war is important―that's why the tone of the 1998 film was perfect. It balanced the comedy/musical style tone of Mulan trying to do something way out of her comfort zone with the grim horrors of war. I'm sure most of us remember the drastic shift in tone at the end of "A Girl Worth Fighting For". It was jarring, and woke the audience up, since at this time Mulan was actually doing really well in the army.
2020 Mulan, unfortunately, decided that if they were going to scrap the comedic reliefs and songs, they were going to discard the tone balance as well. That's why we get movie that feels so much darker, but also more bland and uninteresting (that, and another way that 1998 Mulan created tone contrast was through color: extremely vibrant colors for the first half of the movie, and then a transition to muted greys and fiery reds.) And the opening 30 minutes of 2020 Mulan was a poor excuse for that lighter tone we remember from the original.
That's not to say that you can't have war film that focuses almost entirely on that grim tone of war (consider 1917, Dunkirk, and so many others). But those are war films. As I said earlier, Mulan is not a war film. Simple as that. It has aspects of it, but there is so much other content that is both better storytelling material and so much more significant in sending a message to its viewers.
Tone gives a movie its identity. Take any movie you know, change the tone drastically and you'll have an entirely new movie. I might hate taking away characters and the songs, but I could see the movie surviving without them if they compensated accordingly. But unfortunately, the writers failed to recognize why the tone juxtaposition of 1998 Mulan made it so magical.

是的,虽然战争是核心冲突,影响了剧情,但木兰不是一部战争片。原著木兰斗争的重点是,作为一个女人试图(1)作为一个男人保护她的父亲和(2)为家庭带来荣誉。同时,战争是重要的,这就是为什么1998年电影的基调是完美的。它平衡了喜剧/音乐剧在电影中关于木兰试图做一些事情走出她的舒适区与战争的严峻恐怖的风格。我相信我们大多数人都记得在 "值得去为她而战的女孩"这首歌结束时语气的急剧变化。这是令人震惊的,并唤醒了观众,因为此时的木兰其实在军队中表现得非常好。
Mulan was trash

The cartoon version was light years better. Mysterious as the dark side of the moon.

I couldn’t get through the first segment of the new Mulan. Right from the start, it completely threw out the original Mulan’s characteristics. Original Mulan was just an average, clumsy girl with a heart of gold. She wasn’t some specially talented, perfect kid. Her story was great because she overcame physical and mental weaknesses, and she won a seemingly impossible victory despite being a normal person. It was an inspiring story of her defiance and perseverance, not her amazing and inherent skills.

Yup. In the animated movie she solves her problems by being clever. Using the weights to assist in climbing up the tower, aiming at the snow instead of the advancing army, etc.
In the new one she wins because this movie takes place in the Dynasty Warriors video game universe and shes a playable character.

No Mushu meant no Mulan for me. Why did they change the story so much, they could’ve just called it something else

They made Mulan a Marvel origin story movie. If there had been a post credits scene where Mulan falls down a time vortex or some shit and come out next to Spiderman and Hulk, I'd have said "that's about right."

Well now I have to watch it.

Marvel movies are endlessly better than that shit.

Probably would have made for a better movie if Spider-Man and the hulk were in it.

mulan was widely panned in china as being a failed attempt to pander to chinese audiences due to its portrayal of chinese culture and a shallow understanding of what chinese people respect. it ended up being an abomination of western cultural values being pushed with a coat of chinese of paint. i'm not surprised. i'm sure many more movies will go on to exceed mulan's revenue in china.

And in the west it was just a terrible movie that got everything wrong that the beloved cartoon film got right.

They tried pleasing everyone and ended up pleasing nobody.




Yeah I like how they took the original story's implied lesson of "Women can rise to any occasion with hard work and determination" and replaced it with "women are just magic so they're better."
Considering none of our daughters have actual magic, I guess it sucks to suck.

是啊,我喜欢他们把原著故事中"女人只要努力工作,下定决心,就能在任何场合站起来 "的隐含教训,换成了"女人就是有魔法,所以她们是更好的"。
Let’s also not forget that in the cartoon, she fought to save the emperor because he was an individual that needed help and for her family. In the movie, she is devout to the emperor and fright for him. Original? An individualistic warrior using her wits to beat people stronger than her. In the new one? A subservient woman using magic and her birthright to carry herself to the finish line.

我们也别忘了,在动画片中,她奋力拯救皇帝,因为他是一个需要帮助的个体,也是为了她的家人。在电影里,她对皇帝感到虔诚而恐惧。原版? 一个个人主义的战士,用她的智慧打败比她强的人。在新的电影里? 一个利用魔法和天生的权利带着自己走到终点的庸俗女子。
Yeah, for all their attempts to pander to the Chinese audience, getting a director from New Zealand and 4 American screenwriters is probably not the best way to make a film that's actually in touch with Chinese culture.








No Western movie will ever capture China and Chinese culture better than Kung Fu Panda did. Simply not possible.
Mulan's problem is that it took literally everything that made the original so good (songs, settings, the actual story of a girl overcoming adversity) and tossed them all aside. Bizarre decision-making.

Jack Black just seems to be the cultural dark horse when it comes to non-American cultures.
Nacho Libre and Kung Fu Panda have no right being as good as they are, and yet they are.



