



  亲爱的老师和同学们,晚上好。首先,请允许我代表学校向远道而来的美国老师们表示热烈的祝贺和衷心的感谢!我要向今天来到我们学校的所有新生表示热烈的欢迎!向所有送你来我校的家长表示深深的感谢!今天是一个特殊的日子,宁波Hewes Kent学校的开学典礼。明天,我们还将庆祝抗日战争暨世界反法西斯战争胜利纪念日。1935年,面对日本侵略,我们的先辈高喊“华北太大,静不下书桌”,走上了抗日救国的道路。今天,在这个纪念抗日战争胜利的特殊仪式上,我想告诉我的同学们,唯有国家的强大,民族的复兴,经济的发展和社会的文明,才会有学生们安静的书桌,才会有良好的学习环境。少年强则国强!想在我演讲的开始向你们推荐一个短片。我想看完这个视频你会有所感触。这就是我今天想告诉我的同学们的开幕式的主题,明确你人生的方向,并努力去实现。.   














  The first one is what kind of school this is   


  宁波Hewes Kent学校由浙江省镇海中学和美国密苏里州Bastou学校两所百年名校联合创办。这所学校不是应试学校,也不是留学预备学校,而是一所融合中西教育优势,以培养孩子健全人格和综合素质为目标的学校。   





This is an international school cofounded by Zhenhai High School of Zhejiang and the Barstow School in Missouri, the United States. This is not a school that is examination- oriented, nor a preparatory school for studying abroad. It is a school that combines the advantages of Chinese and Western education to cultivate people's sound personality and comprehensive quality. Judging from the situation of the two graduates of the school, 60% of our graduates have entered the top 50 universities in the United States, and our school has been hailed as the school with the best comprehensive literacy and academic improvement.






The second "W" is what kind of person you want to be




Do you want to go to a famous school, or do you want to have a reputation? The ultimate goal of learning is to make yourself better. We hope to cultivate people who are confident and self-disciplined. People that have both Chinese spirit and global vision.






The third "W" is what our school mott is


校训 RIPE 的每个首字母都代表了特殊的含义。RIPE就是要培养具有社会责任,充满智慧,人格完备,追求卓越,心智成熟的人。这和巴斯图学校的校训“完善健全的奖学金机制,培养思想、身体和心智全面发展的人才”也是相辅相成的。


There is a special meaning of each initial letter of the RIPE, which are Responsibility, Intelligence, Personality and Excellence. RIPE means to cultivate people who are socially responsible, full of wisdom, complete in pursuit of excellence, and have a mature mind. Our school motto is consistent with the motto of Barstow School, which is “to promote sound scholarship and to give symmetrical development to mind, body and character.”


To establish a sense of rules 、 integrity and self-consciousness










I hope you can firmly establish three kinds of senses depends on 3-W .


To establish a sense of rules and make rules a guide to learning and living.


To establish a sense of integrity, and adhere to academic integrity and honesty.


And to Establish a sense of self-consciousness, and make self-reflection and self-correction a conscious behaviour.




Last but not least, I wish all of you would be a person who insists on dreams. There is a famous saying in China: “Do not forget your heart, and follow it until the end”. This sentence tells us that if we have a dream, we should stick to it until we succeed. Do not forget your heart, that is, to ask us to be a dreamer and to have a goal. Life is like a curve, because on the way to realize our dreams, we must withstand the test of failure and cultivate the quality that we insist on. By turning good habits into good personalities, we can have a happy life. Happiness is achieved by persistence and struggle.


Life is short, it is essential to keep in mind the mission of your life, and move forward. Taking actions today or you never will!

