




《杜罗之书》介绍(Book of Durrow)











  《杜罗之书》是海岛艺术风格中世纪泥金装饰的手写福音。可能是在650年到700年之间写的。创作地点可能是爱尔兰的杜罗修道院或英格兰东北部的诺森比亚修道院(或林迪斯法恩修道院)或苏格兰西部的洛纳修道院。几十年来,历史学家一直在争论起源,但没有达成共识。当然可以,《杜罗之书》 916在杜罗修道院。今天,它保存在爱尔兰都柏林三一学院的图书馆里。   










The page size has been reduced by subsequent rebindings, and most leaves are now single when unbound, where many or most would originally have been in "bifolia" or folded pairs. It is clear that some pages have been inserted in the wrong places. The main significance of this is that it is unclear if there was originally a seventh carpet page. Now Matthew does not have one, but there is, most unusually, one as the last page in the book. Perhaps there were only ever six: one at the start of the book with a cross, one opposite the next page with the four symbols (as now), and one opposite each individual symbol at the start of each gospel. Otherwise the original programme of illumination seems to be complete, which is rare in manuscripts of this age.






The Book of Durrow is unusual in that it does not use the traditional scheme, usual since Saint Jerome, for assigning the symbols to the Evangelists. Each Gospel begins with an Evangelist's symbol – a man for Matthew, an eagle for Mark (not the lion traditionally used), a calf for Luke and a lion for John (not the eagle traditionally used). This is also known as the pre-Vulgate arrangement. Each evangelist symbol, except the Man of Matthew is followed by a carpet page, followed by the initial page. This missing carpet page is assumed to have existed. A first possibility is that it was lost, and a second that it is in fact folio 3, which features swirling abstract decoration. Where the four symbols appear together on folio 2r they appear in the normal order if read clockwise, and in the pre-Vulgate order if read anti-clockwise, which may be deliberate.





The first letter of the text is enlarged and decorated, with the following letters surrounded by dots. Parallels with metalwork can be noted in the rectangular body of St Matthew, which looks like a millefiori decoration, and in details of the carpet pages.




There is a sense of space in the design of all the pages of the Book of Durrow. Open vellum balances intensely decorated areas. Animal interlace of very high quality appears on folio 192v. Other motifs include spirals, triskeles, ribbon plaits and circular knots in the carpet pages and borders around the Four Evangelists.






The colophon of the book (f. 9r) contains an erased and overwritten note which, according to one interpretation, is by "Colum" who scribed the book, which he said he did in twelve days. This probably relates to the belief that Colum Cille (Saint Columba) had created the book, and its date and authenticity is unclear. Twelve days is a plausible time to scribe one gospel, but not four, still less with all the decoration. The earliest known cumdach, or metalwork reliquary for a book (probably an Irish innovation), was made to house and protect the Book of Durrow at the behest of King of Ireland Flann Sinna (879–916), by which point it was at Durrow, and believed to be a relic of Colum Cille. The shrine was lost in the 17th century, but its appearance, including an inscription recording the king's patronage, is recorded in a note from 1677, now bound into the book as folio IIv, although other inscriptions are not transcribed. Once in the shrine it was probably rarely if ever removed for use as a book.


在书末的出版说明(F.9R)中包含了一个擦除的和重写的备注,而根据其中的一种翻译,是“科勒姆”抄写的书,是由他在十二天内完成的。这可能与圣高隆(圣徒科伦巴)创作这本书的意图有关,其日期和可靠性尚不清楚。十二天的时间来写一个福音是合理,但不是四个,更别说加上所有装饰。在爱尔兰国王弗辛纳(879 - 916)命令下,《杜罗之书》被放在金属做的圣物箱(可能是爱尔兰创新)里存放和保护,到那时它一直在杜罗,并且被认为是圣高隆的遗物。圣殿在17世纪时损坏而不复存在,但它的外观,包括记录国王赞助的铭文,记录在1677年的一张纸条中,现在作为对开页IIv被绑定到书中,尽管其他铭文没有被转录。当进入神殿,它很可能很少被搬动用作书籍。


In the 16th century, when Durrow Abbey was dissolved, the book went into private ownership. It was borrowed and studied by James Ussher, probably when he was Bishop of Meath from 1621–1623. It managed to survive during that period despite at least one section of it being immersed in water by a farmer to create holy water to cure his cows. In the period 1661 to 1682 it was given to the library at Trinity College, together with the Book of Kells, by Henry Jones while he was Bishop of Meath. The shrine and cover was lost during the occupation by troops in 1689.




The five pound note of the "Series B" Irish banknotes contained an image from the book.




