



  Man in His Forties Is a Flower in Bloom   





































of zeal; wise and far-sighted, yet still vigorous in his work. Man at this stage is rich in experience and fond of learning and making progress.


On the contrary是逻辑关系衔接词,汉译英时添加适当的逻辑关系衔接词使译文更加紧凑,逻辑一目了然。


稳重不乏热情→possesses both vigor and maturity, he is steady yet full of zeal


睿智不乏干劲→wise and far-sighted, yet still vigorous in his work


经验丰富→rich in experience


好学上进→fond of learning and making progress





The stature of a middle-aged man is no longer as weak or thin as that of a young man. He is well-built, so that to those women born delicate, he is simply the safest harbor bestowed by God, who is very steady and sure to lean on, warm and comfortable to hug tightly.




stature noun (formal)


1. the importance and respect that a person has because of their ability and achievements 声望;名望:an actress of considerable stature 颇有名望的女演员


2. a person's height 身高;个子:a woman of short stature 身材矮小的女人


bestow verb ~ sth (on / upon sb)(formal) to give sth to sb, especially to show how much they are respected 给予;授予;献给:It was a title bestowed upon him by the king. 那是国王赐给他的头衔。





As the saying goes “At thirty I took my stand.” “At forty I came to be free from doubts.” A man at forty begins to look at the way of the world and human life with an open mind and a magnanimous way, and cannot be easily swayed by trifling matters. He possesses lofty ideals in his mind, his face is full of confidence in his meditation, free and unrestrained in his speech and deportment.


magnanimous adj. (formal) kind, generous and forgiving, especially towards an enemy or a rival 宽宏的,大度的(尤指对敌人或对手):a magnanimous gesture 大度的姿态


deportment noun (formal)


1. (BrE) the way in which a person stands and moves 风度;仪态:lessons for young ladies in deportment and etiquette 年轻女士的礼仪课


2. (old-fashioned, especially NAmE) the way in which a person behaves




三十而立→三十岁便能以所学立足于世At thirty I took my stand.


四十而不惑→四十岁时处理问题便不迷惑At forty I came to be free from doubts.


胸中自有鸿鹄之志→ possesses lofty ideals in his mind


不为区区小事而烦恼→不会因为琐事而动摇:cannot be easily swayed by trifling matters





Man in his forties is an idol to worship for those girls who are first awakening to love. As he has already experienced the season of love and has already married―the so-called “a person who has had the experience”―he naturally knows more about women’s heart than a lad does, and is more considerate of women, which, to the lads who have just come out of the thatched cottage, is inaccessible.


thatched adj a thatched roof is made with dried straw , reeds , leaves etc 茅草屋顶的: a thatched cottage (=one with a thatched roof) 茅草屋


情窦初开→刚刚懂得爱情:be first awakening to love


“过来人“→对某事曾经有过亲身经历和体验的人:“a person who has had the experience”


初出茅庐→出自《三国演义》“直须惊破曹公胆,初出茅庐第一功”,此处是典故直接却译为了come out of the thatched cottage,觉得应该加上适当注释,或适当进行意译。







A lot of women with certain cultural qualities and unique makings often intend to like those adults who are mature in personality, more abundant in their spiritual life and possess more male enchantment in their disposition and are successful in their career. Thus man in his forties can find more favor in female’s eyes.


文化素质→ cultural qualities


气质不凡→ unique makings ,makings→ potentials, qualities, or materials, 比如说我们说一个人有领导能力可以用 he has the makings of a leader.


受…青睐→本身是一个被动含义,此处并没有用被动,反而用了 find more favor in one’s eyes ,有得宠的意思。





However it is dangerous too, for those middle-aged men who are successful in their career and have a steady family, in spite of being chased by charming girls and already themselves having had such secret experience, most of them are reluctant to abandon their wives, for they are bound to face condemnation from society, traditional morality and their own conscience. And they may even lose all their standing and reputation. Besides, lover and wife are after all two different things.


“而且其自身有时深涉爱河,然而抛妻弃子,绝大部份男人是不可能这么做的”此处进行了合并处理,没有拘泥于原文的形式,译文灵活→already themselves having had such secret experience, most of them are reluctant to abandon their wives


身败名裂→身份地位和名誉双双失去:lose all their standing and reputation


condemnation noun ~ (of sb / sth) an expression of very strong disapproval 谴责;指责:There was widespread condemnation of the invasion. 那次侵略遭到了人们普遍的谴责。





Quick to switch sides and join in the fun on occasion are adult man’s nature. Therefore, to them, playing with love is a common occurrence. If it is taken seriously, that’s quite another matter. That is why man in his forties is more inclined to attract women’s eyes and is easily hated by them as well. When a woman is cautiously protecting her love, she finds that her devoted heart is frequently offended.


朝秦暮楚→也是一个典故词语,意思是指战国时期,秦楚两个诸侯大国相互对立,经常作战,有的诸侯小国为了自身的利益与安全,时而倾向,时而倾向楚,比喻人反复无常。此处意译为了Quick to switch sides and join in the fun on occasion 。


此处的“逢场作戏”指男人对待爱轻浮的态度,理解为我们常说的玩弄感情:play with love


常事→平常事common occurrence





Man in his forties is a flower in bloom. A woman can only enjoy it by satisfying her admiration from a distance away. That’s quite enough!







俗话说There is a common saying


(的确)说明it does tell us such a fact that ...


有其不可否认的魅力possesses undeniable fascination


满腔热忱Enthusiastic and warm-hearted


勇猛有余稳重不足more brave than steady


童子学书 a school child


学而不思则罔Learning without thought is labor lost.


稳重不乏热情possesses both vigor and maturity ,he is steady yet full of zeal


睿智不乏干劲 wise and far-sighted, yet still vigorous in his work


经验丰富rich in experience


好学上进fond of learning and making progress


天赐的最安全的避风港the safest harbor bestowed by God


三十而立At thirty I took my stand.


四十而不惑At forty I came to be free from doubts.


有一种豁达广阔的心境with an open mind and a magnanimous way


区区小事trifling matters


鸿鹄之志 lofty ideals


言谈举止speech and deportment


情窦初开 be first awakening to love


爱慕追求的崇拜对象an idol to worship


过来人a person who has had the experience


文化素质 cultural qualities
