
























was the first visible representation of what are considered the most extreme objects in the universe. 这是这种被视为"宇宙中最极端天体"的首个可见图像。


The image depicts the black hole at the heart of Messier 87, a massive, distant galaxy in the Virgo galaxy cluster. 照片中捕获的是室女座星系团中超大质量的遥远星系Messier 87中心的黑洞。


It resides 55 million light-years from Earth and has a mass 6.5 billion times that of the sun. 它距离地球5500万光年,质量为太阳的65亿倍。


It puts to the test Albert Einstein's Theory of General Relativity put forward in 1915, which allows for a prediction of the size and shape of a black hole. 爱因斯坦在1915年提出广义相对论,预言了黑洞的尺寸和形状,如今黑洞照片的面世使这一理论得到验证。


The Event Horizon Telescope, a globe-spanning array of eight ground-based radio telescopes, was used to observe the black hole. It took an international scientific team to capture the paradigm-shifting image, which was announced through coordinated news conferences around the world. "事件视界望远镜"项目组在一个全球联合发布会上宣布,其国际科研团队借助分布在世界多地的8个射电望远镜联合观测,终于成功获得这张黑洞照片。



>Work schedules under fire 互联网'996工作制'遭诟病


Activists are calling for more supervision over labor exploitation in an online crusade spearheaded by software developers against the so-called 996 work schedule, which is widely practiced in China's tech industry. 软件程序员们在网上掀起了一个反对所谓996工作制的活动,一些活动人士呼吁对劳动剥削行为进行更强有力的监管。中国的科技公司普遍采用996工作制。


The rules - which require employees to work from 9 am to 9 pm, six days a week without overtime pay-came under fire after a programmer created 996.ICU, a page on code-sharing platform GitHub.com. The page garnered immediate attention at home and abroad. 996工作制要求员工从早9点工作到晚9点,每周工作6天,且没有加班费。一位程序员在代码分享平台GitHub网站上创建了996.ICU主页,这种工作制立即遭到抨击,并引发了国内外广泛关注。


The name 996.ICU refers to a saying among Chinese developers that following the 996 schedule puts you at risk of ending up in an intensive care unit. 在中国的程序员中流传着一句话:工作996生病ICU,996.ICU这一主页的名称由此而来。


In the weeks that followed the creation of 996.ICU in March, the page has accrued almost 200,000 stars - which indicates popularity among users. 3月份,在996.ICU主页创建后的几周内,星数就已近20万,星数代表该主页在使用者中的受欢迎程度。


Jiang Ying, a professor at China University of Labor Relations and a leading expert on China's Labor Law, said the rare protest by sleep-deprived tech firm employees underscored the difficulties facing workers who defend their rights. 劳动法专家、中国劳动关系学院教授蒋英说,睡眠时间被剥夺的科技公司员工发起的这种少见的抗议,凸显出员工维护自己权益时面临的困难。


"When resorting to the legal system for protection, there is a price to pay: time, money and the risk of losing your job. And as a result they took to cyberspace," she said. 她说:"当诉诸于法律体系保护权益时,人们需要付出时间、金钱、以及可能丢掉工作的代价。因此他们诉诸于网络空间。"


The director of the National Reference Centre for Invasive Fungus Infections, Oliver Kurzai, holding in his hands a petri dish holding the yeast candida auris in a laboratory of Wuerzburg University in Wuerzburg, Germany, 23 January 2018.


>Fungus poses serious threat 美国多州爆发'超级真菌'


Candida auris, a drug-resistant fungus, which can cause death and serious illnesses in people with weakened immune systems, is spreading across the world - including in some of America's major cities. 一种名为耳念珠菌的耐药性真菌正在全球蔓延开来,包括美国的一些主要城市,免疫力低下的人群感染上耳念珠菌可能患上重病甚至死亡。


As of Feb 28, there have been 587 cases confirmed in the US, with the majority of cases occurring in New York, New Jersey and Illinois, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). 美国疾病控制与预防中心表示,截至2月28日,全美已有587例确诊病例,多数感染者来自纽约、新泽西和伊利诺伊。


Some of the symptoms of C. auris include fever and chills. It can cause bloodstream and ear infections - not to mention death. 耳念珠菌的部分发病症状包括发烧和寒颤,这种真菌能引起血液和耳部的感染,严重情况下会导致死亡。


According to the New York Times, an elderly man was sickened by the fungus last year at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York, after being admitted for abdominal surgery. He died after 90 days. 据《纽约时报》报道,去年,纽约市西奈山医院一名老年男子做完腹部手术后感染了耳念珠菌,住院90天后死亡。


Afterwards, the hospital "needed special cleaning equipment" and ended up removing "some of the ceiling and floor tiles" in the man's room in order to get rid of the fungus. 此后,院方为了清除这种真菌,动用特殊清洁器械进行消毒,最后甚至拆除了该男子病房的部分天花板和地板。


"Based on information from a limited number of patients, 30–60% of people with C. auris infections have died. However, many of these people had other serious illnesses that also increased their risk of death," according to the CDC. 美国疾病控制与预防中心表示,根据从有限数量的病例中获取的信息,耳念珠菌感染者的死亡率高达30%-60%,但许多患者本身就患有其他严重疾病,这也增加了他们的死亡几率。


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