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The Companies with the Most Debt in America




by Wolf Richter





The concentration of corporate debt: The top 46.




  美国司法部今天批准了第三大无线运营商T-Mobile和第四大无线运营商Sprint Corp .的合并。为了推进合并,他们必须向Dish出售Sprint的预付费品牌。至于其它方面,不管这会对无线服务的竞争和费率产生什么影响,有一点是肯定的,那就是它会创造出另一个美国债务怪物。   


  2019年7月26日,美国司法部批准并发布了美国第三和第四大移动通信公司T-Mobile和Sprint的合并案。为了使M & amp业务进展顺利,两家公司计划将Sprint的预付费无线业务出售给卫星电视提供商Dish。至于其他方面,不管这次合并会对行业竞争和无线通信服务费率产生什么影响,有一点是肯定的:这次合并会导致另一个美国债务巨头的诞生。   






















Verizon, Number 3 most indebted company in America, with a still fabulous $136 billion in debt.




Comcast, Number 4 most indebted company in America, with $113.78 billion in debt.




And Charter Communications, the Number 10 most indebted outfit in America, with $75.3 billion in debt.


美国有线电视运营商Charter Communications以753亿美元的负债成为全美债务负担排名第十的公司。


I’m counting only non-financial companies. This excludes financial companies such as banks that borrow money to lend money. But there are some gray areas in this distinction. This gray area includes the Number 2 most indebted US company, Ford with $159.7 billion in debt. Its wholly-owned subsidiary Ford Credit is its financial arm and captive auto lender that borrows money to lend money. So be it. Several companies in this group have financial subsidiaries.




Apple is Number 5 with $112.6 billion in debt, a result of its all-time record-breaking share buybacks with which it blew past GE, another share buyback queen before its house of cards threatened to collapse, with $111.7 billion in Debt.




Those are the six non-financial publicly traded companies, each with more than $100 billion in debt.




In fact, the top 10 most indebted companies combined have a breath-taking $1.2 trillion in debt. These days we throw “trillions” around to stay fit on a daily basis, but it’s still “real money,” so to speak. This is the outgrowth of the massive concentration of debt in the US corporate world.




Corporate debt has ballooned in many countries. In terms of magnitude – in terms of trillions of dollars – and in terms of how fast this debt has ballooned, no country can hold a candle to China’s corporations, though they now have to deleverage, forced or otherwise. On that global scale, and as a percent of GDP, the US corporate debt is only in 24th place (here are the countries with the most corporate debt).




An interesting thing happened on Amazon’s balance sheet: Its long-term debt, which includes capital leases, jumped by 77% in six months, from $33.1 billion at the end of 2018 to $58.5 billion at the end of June. This moved Amazon up to the Number 12 most indebted company in America.




So I did some manual digging, and below are the 46 most indebted, publicly traded non-financial companies in the US. Each has at least $20 billion in short-term and long-term debt. Combined, they have $2.6 trillion in debt.




To get a feel for how much $2.6 trillion in debt is: This is equal to the total debt of the government of France and more than the debt of Germany’s government.




The data is based on recent quarterly reports. Let me know if I left out some of your favorites (the minimum qualifier is $20 billion), and I will update the table. “ST Debt” denotes “short-term debt” and “LT Debt” denoted “Long-term Debt.” If your smartphone clips the table on the right and the “Total” column is missing, hold your device in landscape position. You can search the table via the search function in your browser. All amounts in billion dollars.


以下各家美国公司的负债额数据来自于最新的季度财报,如果有读者认为有遗漏请提醒我更新,上榜企业的债务总量应不低于200亿美元。表中的“ST Debt”指的是短期债务余额,“LT Debt”为长期债务余额,金额单位为10亿美元。

