shares investment,share什么意思

































fett, now 88, as leader of the company. His partner, Charlie Munger, turned 95 in January.The two most obvious candidates are Ajit Jain, who is 67, and Greg Abel, 56. They were both appointed to Berkshire’s board last year and got 3 mentions each in Mr Buffett’s letter this year. Mr Buffett claims Berkshire’s blood flows in their veins. In years to come their letters might prove this to be the case―if so, Berkshire’s investors are likely to be happy. Especially if they skip the jokes.




Mr Buffett contends these figures partly reflect arcane(晦涩难懂的)accounting standardswhich do not cope well with his varied investments. A change in accounting principles forces him to put mark-to-market swings in the value of his $173 bn equity portfolio through his earnings, resulting in a $20.6 bn loss in 2018.




contend /kn'tnd/ vi. 竞争;奋斗;斗争;争论 vt. 主张;为...斗争


reflect /r'flkt/ vt. 反映;反射,照出;表达;显示;反省 vi. 反射,映现;深思


短语 reflect on 仔细考虑,思考;反省;回想,回顾;怀疑


例句:①Silence gives us a chance to reflect on what we have said and heard. 安静让我们有机会反省我们所说所闻。


②I'm going to read it to you just so you can reflect on it.我先给你们读一遍,你们回忆下。


arcane /r'ken/ adj. 神秘的;晦涩难解的;秘传的


例句:The technique at one time was arcane in the minds of most chemists.这种技术在大多数化学家心目中一度是神秘的。


cope with = deal with处理,应付


例句:I have nothing particular to cope with.我没有特殊的事情要处理。


accounting standards 会计准则;会计标准


accounting principles 会计原理


force sb to do 强迫某人做


mark-to-market swings 按市值计价的波动


By contrast, the book values of companies Mr Buffett owns outright, an increasing share of his portfolio, are carried at “far below” their current value, making it tough to assess Berkshire’s performance by its annual change in book value. Mr Buffetthas moanedabout these dynamics a lot. References to America’s Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (gaap) have soared.






By contrast, the book values of companies Mr Buffett owns outright, an increasing share of his portfolio, are carried at “far below” their current value, making it tough to assess Berkshire’s performance by its annual change in book value.




by contrast 相比之下;与之相比


outright /'atrat/ adj. 完全的,彻底的;直率的; adv. 完全的,彻底的;直率的;


这个句子的主干是 the book values of companies are carried at “far below” their current value. 这些公司的账面价值远远低于其当前价值。注意这里的动词carry是“to have sth as a quality or feature 具有(某品质或特点)”的意思,value前面的介词要用“at”,例如:exchange at equal value“等价交换” 。后面Mr Buffett owns outright修饰先行词companies, an increasing share of his portfolio是同位语修饰前面的companies。making it tough to assess Berkshire’s performance by its annual change in book value.动词ing结构作状语,表示结果。


复习:这个句子中出现了我们上期学到的固定搭配:make it(adj.) for sb to do sth。


Mr Buffett has moaned about these dynamics a lot. References to America’s Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (gaap) have soared.


moan /mon/ n. 呻吟声;悲叹 vt. 抱怨;呻吟着说


dynamic /da'nmk/ adj. 动态的;动力的;动力学的;有活力的 n. 动态;动力


reference /'rfrns/ n. 参考,参照;涉及,提及


Generally Accepted Accounting Principles 通用会计准则


soar /sr/ v.翱翔 高飞 猛增 soar这个单词与rise是近义词,都有“上升”的意思,但用soar就更为形象。例如:Inflation has soared from 4% to 12% recently. 最近通货膨胀率从4%猛增到12%。


In other ways, though, Mr Buffett remains consistent. His philosophy has always been to look for cheap companies. He reckons that shares in firms with decent long-termprospects are too pricey at the moment. Instead, Berkshire will focus on buying back its own shares as well as investing in liquid stocks in 2019. Mentions of “repurchases” areon the rise but “acquisition” shows up just three times this year.




consistent /kn'sstnt/ adj. 始终如一的,一致的;坚持的


reckon /'rkn/ v.计算 认为 估算


decent /'disnt/ adj. 正派的;得体的;相当好的


prospect /'prspkt/ n. 前途;预期


pricey /'prasi/ adj. 高价的,过分昂贵的


at the moment 此时,此刻


buy back 回购,购回;产品返销


liquid stocks 流动性较强的股票,liquid在这里作形容词,“流动的”。


on the rise 在增加;在上涨


Historically, Mr Buffett has been loth to borrow vast sums of money, arguing that “rational people don’t risk what they have and need for what they don’t have and don’t need”. He made an exception in 2013, when he invested in Kraft Heinz.This was one of Mr Buffett’s biggest mistakes. Shares in Kraft Heinz have plummeted. Berkshire hastaken a hit of nearly $3 bn to its balance-sheet as a consequence. Mentions of“debt”spiked in this year’s letter.


翻译:从历史上看,巴菲特一直不愿借入巨额资金,他辩称,“理性的人不会拿他们拥有和需要的东西去冒险,去买他们没有和不需要的东西”。2013年,他破例投资了卡夫亨氏(Kraft Heinz)。这是巴菲特最大的错误之一。卡夫亨氏的股价暴跌。伯克希尔的资产负债表因此遭受了近30亿美元的损失。今年的信中提到“债务”的次数激增。


loth /luθ/ adj. 憎恶的;勉强的;不愿意的


vast sums of 大量的


rational /'rnl/ adj. 合理的;理性的


plummet /'plmt/ vi. 垂直落下;(价格、水平等)骤然下跌


take a hit 遭受打击;受到冲击


例句:If the euro fails, Germany's financial sector would also take a hit and further damage the economy.




balance-sheet 资产负债表


as a consequence = as a result = in consequence 因此,结果


spike /spak/ 作名词有“长钉,细高跟”的意思,这里作为动词,是“激增的”意思,相当于前文中的“soar”。


The biggest question facing investors in Berkshire is who might replace Mr Buffett, now 88, as leader of the company. His partner, Charlie Munger, turned 95 in January. The two most obvious candidates are Ajit Jain,who is 67, and Greg Abel, 56. They were bothappointed to Berkshire’s board last year and got 3 mentions each in Mr Buffett’s letter this year. Mr Buffett claims Berkshire’s blood flows in their veins. In years to come their letters might prove this to be the case―if so, Berkshire’s investorsare likely to be happy. Especially if they skip the jokes.


翻译:伯克希尔的投资者面临的最大问题是,谁可能接替现年88岁的巴菲特,成为公司的领袖。他的搭档查理芒格(Charlie Munger)今年1月就95岁了。两个最明显的候选人是67岁的阿吉特杰恩(Ajit Jain)和56岁的格雷格阿贝尔(Greg Abel)。两人去年都被任命为伯克希尔董事会的成员,今年在巴菲特的信中,两人各被提及了3次。巴菲特声称,伯克希尔的血液在他们的血管中流动。未来几年,他们的信件可能会证明这一点――如果是这样的话,伯克希尔的投资者可能会感到高兴。尤其是如果他们不讲笑话。


obvious /'bvs/ adj. 明显的;显著的


candidate /'knddet / n. 候选人,候补者;应试者


appoint to 委任;指派


board 董事会


vein /ven/ n. 血管;叶脉


skip /skp/ v. 跳过;遗漏

