


Libra Overview



  Dates: 9月23日至10月22日   


  Day:周五;Color:粉色;Element:航空;Most compatible with:白羊座、双子座、狮子座和射手座   











Strengths Weaknesses



  Strengths——天秤座最大的特质是他们的tact, fineness and their ability to take responsibility。这是一个引导我们做出最终判断的信号,当处于一个好的位置,满足和自信,天秤座可以是公正和难以置信的平衡。he thing they strive for is quality in relationships with others and they will put a lot of their energy into ways to improve lives of those around them.霸王龙   








  强项-天秤座人最迷人的品质是他们的机智、精细和承担责任的能力。这是一个引导我们做出最终裁决的信号。当处于地位优于他人,天秤座让人满意和自信的品质,可以奠定公正和难以置信的平衡106 .他们所追求的是与他人建立良好的关系,他们会投入大量精力改善周围人的生活。   





Libra In Relationships




. Their tendency to be unreliable from time to time is rather a consequence of their laid back, Venus attitude, than of disrespect or flakiness. These individuals will tend to focus on the way things (and other people) look, and they can get vain and too obsessed with physical appearance from time to time. If you feel like your Libra is measuring your place in their surroundings, maybe you have to set thicker boundaries and choose to act apart from their influence.





As partners - When a Libra gets romantically involved, it will rarely be a fling with no meaning. Even though many Libras give that confident vibe, as if they are Don Juan descendants in the flash, they exalt Saturn and love things that have depth, and last for a long time. To enter a serious relationship, Libra will be picky and care about their partner’s physical appearance, and the way their entire bond will reflect in the outside world. This can get tiring for those free souls that want to be liberated of all opinions, judgments and prejudice of others. Once a Libra discovers true inner confidence and stops thinking about the way things seem to the world, they become incredible partners that show how much they value their chosen one every day.


作为恋爱伙伴 ----当天秤座的人恋爱时,很少会是毫无意义地放纵。尽管许多天秤座给人以自信的感觉,就好像他们是昙花一现的唐璜后裔一样,但他们崇尚土星,热爱有深度、持续时间长的事物。为了进入一段认真的恋情,天秤座会挑三拣四,关心对方的外表,以及外界对他们关系的整体反应。对于那些想要从他人的所有观点、判断和偏见中解放出来的自由灵魂来说,这可能会让他们感到疲倦。一旦天秤座发现了真正的内心自信,不再去想事物的本质,他们就会成为令人难以置信的伴侣,他们每天都会表现出珍视他们所选择的伴侣的一面。


As parents - this is someone who will have an incredible amount of patience for their child. Since they often miss their own child within, or feel in a way restricted in their own childhood, in most cases they will be tactful and careful, as if they were afraid to do something wrong and hurt their offspring. However, their attitude and lack of respect they got can lead to a tendency to play the part of a victim, or be too strict and demanding in their approach. If they spend too much of their energy on teaching their kids good manners, while demeaning their potentially explosive or challenging personality, they could lose all authority and respect.




As children - Libra needs someone who will give them ultimate respect, and in many cases they are simply taught what they are supposed to do without much room for decision-making and the building of a healthy personality. Their indecisiveness can only drive impatient parents crazy, and they need time to come to solid and deep conclusions they cannot be happy without. Libras need time, patience and freedom, a life without meaningless obligations and orders that have no foundation in the way they understand the world. In case their personality gets the right treatment, they can become incredible people that bring true balance to the world.


作为孩子,天秤座需要一个能给予他们终极尊重的人,在很多情况下,他们只是被教导他们应该做什么,而没有太多的自我决定的空间和健康人格的塑造。他们的优柔寡断只会让不耐烦的父母抓狂,他们需要时间来得出坚实而深刻对自我的定论,没有这些定论,他们就不会幸福。天秤座的人需要时间、耐心和自由,没有目标、义务和指令的生活不会给他们打下认识世界的基础。 如果他们的个性得到正确的对待,他们可以成为不可思议的人,他们给世界带来真正的平衡。


Love And Intimacy

There is something strange about a single Libra. As a glow of sadness around them, that might even reject potential partners and make them undesirable. Libra truly shines when in a happy relationship, as if their mission in life is to get married. This is not the case, of course, but it is true that they easily get dependent on their life with another human being. If they get too clingy and unable to have activities on their own, this will put limitations on the entire scope of their relationships and make them a bit difficult to be with. Sex life is very important to Libras, as they are ruled by Venus and value physical satisfaction much more than other Air signs in the zodiac. They will be fully aware when they have found a perfect match, and easily get tied for life once they are certain of the way they feel.





Libra Career

Depending on their self-esteem, Libra representatives can reach incredible heights or lose their positions and have trouble advancing. Their career is usually important and something they need to dedicate to, in order to build a certain image they want others to see. Unfortunately, this is not a good enough reason to keep them satisfied and they really need to find a job they love in order to be successful. While choosing their career path, they should be given space, however indecisive, and their decisions should be made by them alone, without interference or suggestions from family, partners, or anyone else. If they do what they love every day, their own progress will become something like an irrelevant issue, and all they will care about is their creative strength and their ability to find joy in their calling.




取决于他们的自尊,天秤座的人要么达到不可思议的高度,要么失去他们的应有的地位,前进困难。在他们眼中,职业生涯通常举足轻重,他们需要为之献身,以建立他们别人看到的某种形象。不幸的是,这还不足满足他们的欲求,他们真的需要找到一份自己喜欢的工作才能成功。在选择职业道路的时候,不管他们有多优柔寡断, 他们都需要自我做出决定的空间,这些决定不受家庭、伴侣或其他任何人的干扰或建议。如果他们每天都做自己喜欢做的事,他们自己的进步就会变成一个无关紧要的问题他们所关心的只是他们的创造力和在他们的愿望中找到快乐的能力。


Positive Libra Traits

Charming for Libra is a likeable sign that can be incredibly sensitive to the way they seem to others. Tactful, finely dressed and balanced, this is someone who seeks love and approval, and often finds it due to their ability to communicate and say just the right word at the right moment.


Balanced as a sign of balance itself, Libra will never give up on their need to find it, dig it up and find middle ground in any situation that comes along.


Diplomatic for this is someone who knows exactly how to handle an argument, remain calm and focused on the solutions that will bring results in the long run. Their zone of comfort lies in settled relationships and they will enjoy creating them wherever they go.










Negative Libra Traits

Detached for this is a sign that exalts Saturn. Libra can become too strict in their judgment and lose the ability for true compassion and intimacy with other people.


Indecisive until they drive everyone around them crazy. The good thing in this trait is their certainty of the decision made, once they finally make it.


Lazy and to understand this, we have to understand that this is a sign opposite to Aries. This puts them far from initiative, energy to take on challenges, and ruled by Venus – simply lazy. If they could avoid stress they would do it at any cost.




克服天秤座消极的特征是土星特质个性亟需提升的信号,天秤座会变对做出判断过于较真, 他们因此会失去真正的同情心和与他人亲密相处的能力。





