

  【双语听读】Winter  sports  gain  popularity  in  Zhengzhou  郑州“冰雪热”持续升温   


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allowing more people to participate in ice and snow sports.


A few days ago, a national fitness campaign titled "Do Winter Sports in the Spirit of the Winter Olympics" started at the Songding Ski Resort in Jiajinkou Town, Gongyi City. More than 500 ice and snow sports lovers came to join in.


【双语听读】Winter sports gain popularity in Zhengzhou 郑州“冰雪热”持续升温

In addition, the 6th Henan Public Ice and Snow Event and the Henan Public Ice and Snow Carnival called "Winter Olympics – A Better Central Plains" (2021-2022) were in full swing on the 5th floor of The Mixc mall. This activity, inviting hundreds of figure skating trainees and nearly 1,000 figure skating beginners, aimed to provide figure skating and ice hockey training courses under the guidance of coaches, with figure skating courses at its core.

与此同时, 第六届河南省大众冰雪系列活动暨“与冬奥同行·锦绣中原”2021—2022年度河南省大众冰雪嘉年华活动在万象城五层冰场如火如荼地开展。活动以花样滑冰训练营为主,数百名有一定花滑基础的学员与近千名新到场的青少年在专业滑冰教练指导下,开展花样滑冰与冰球训练课程。

【双语听读】Winter sports gain popularity in Zhengzhou 郑州“冰雪热”持续升温

Zhengzhou, serving as the fulcrum for moving ice and snow sports from the north to the south of China, will use the opportunity the Winter Olympics provided to boost its ice and snow industry. It will organize more ice and snow competitions to allow more people to join in, expanding the influence of the Winter Olympics.

处于“北冰南移”接合部的郑州,借助冬奥会的重大机遇,竞技冰雪实现突破,大众冰雪极大拓展,冰雪产业迅速升温。随着郑州市各类冰雪活动的举办,将让更多的冰雪运动爱好者参与其中,持续燃动“后冬奥时代”的“冰雪激情”。【双语听读】Winter sports gain popularity in Zhengzhou 郑州“冰雪热”持续升温

