







  很轻。虽然这次没有什么大的比赛,但是今天我会为你做一个有趣的 《星际大战》 游戏。   


































  设置:pip install-I https://pypi.douban.com/simple/模块名称   








  from OS import path import random import pygame from utils import load _ image,load _ sound init _ ENERGY=100 length _ space ship=50 WINDOW _ WIDTH=800 WINDOW _ HEIGHT=650 display mode=(WINDOW _ WIDTH,WINDOW_HEIGHT)TEXTCOLOR=(255,255,255)FPS=40#以限制在不填满屏幕的情况下可以生成的机器人总数。MAX _ NUMBER _ DROIDS=15 ASTEROID _ MIN _ SIZE=10 ASTEROID _ MAX _ SIZE=4 0 ASTEROID _ MIN _ SPEED=1 steroid _ MAX _ SPEED=8 delay _ EXPLOSION=5 #模拟爆炸动画中的延迟添加new _ ASTEROID _ RATE=7 RATE _ PLAYER _ SPEED=6 #确定其是否为高能小行星的概率。PROB _ ENERGETIC _ ASTEROID=0.4 objective _ LVL=100 # Destroy 100 enemiessypgame . init()window=py game . display . set _ mode(display mode)font 1=py game . font . sys font(' Liberation Serif ',24)font 2=py game . font . sys font(' Liberation Serif ',20)font 3=py game . font . sys font(' Arial '   

, 20)font4 = pygame.font.SysFont("Times New Roman", 36)font5 = pygame.font.SysFont("Liberation Serif", 40) # Pointsfont6 = pygame.font.SysFont("Sans Serif", 23)# Set up soundsintro_sound = load_sound('intro.ogg', 0.3)background_sound = load_sound('game_music.ogg', 1.0)explosion_sound = load_sound('explosion1.ogg', 0.3)motor_on_sound = load_sound('motor_on.ogg', 0.4)pickup_sound = load_sound('pickup.ogg', 0.3)game_over_sound = load_sound('game_over.ogg', 1.0)game_lost_sound = load_sound('game_lost.ogg', 1.0)game_won_sound = load_sound('game_won.ogg', 1.0)# We randomly select any of these sounds for the enemylst_sound_laser = <"laser1.ogg", "laser2.ogg", "laser3.ogg", "laser4.ogg", "laser5.ogg">laser_droid_sound = load_sound( random.choice(lst_sound_laser), 0.3)laser_player_sound = load_sound('laser_player.ogg', 0.3)explosion_player = load_sound("explosion3.ogg", 0.3)explosion_droid = load_sound("explosion1.ogg", 0.3)explosion_asteroid = load_sound("destroyed_asteroid.ogg", 0.3)collision_asteroid = load_sound("collision_asteroid.ogg", 0.3)motor_channel = pygame.mixer.Channel(4)music_channel = pygame.mixer.Channel(3)music_channel.play(intro_sound, loops=-1, maxtime=0, fade_ms=0)# Configuramos la imagen de fondobackground = load_image( path.join('data', 'images', 'background', 'background_1.jpg'), True, DISPLAYMODE)window.blit(background, (0, 0))





from os import pathimport pygameimport randomimport sysimport timefrom pygame.locals import *from utils import load_imagefrom sprites import *from resources import *# It will increase as we destroy droids until we reach the goalcount_destroyed_droids = 0class Game(object): def __init__(self): super(Game, self).__init__() pygame.init() pygame.mixer.init(frequency=22050, size=-16, channels=8, buffer=4096) pygame.display.set_caption("星际大战") self.set_fps = pygame.time.Clock() pygame.mouse.set_visible(False) # We establish the images logo = load_image(path.join('data', 'images', 'background', 'start_logo.png')) # Displays the start screen self.draw_text("Press a key for start", font1, window, (WINDOW_WIDTH / 3), (WINDOW_HEIGHT / 3) + 100) window.blit(logo, (150, 100)) pygame.display.update() self.wait_for_key_pressed() music_channel.stop() def run(self): global count_destroyed_droids top_score = 0 while(True): initial_time = time.perf_counter() enemy_creation_period = 2 energy = INIT_ENERGY count_destroyed_droids = 0 # Reset value points = 0 asteroid_counter = 0 # ==================================== # We create the Sprites and the groups # ==================================== # We configure the player player = Player() player_team = pygame.sprite.RenderUpdates(player) group_laser_player = pygame.sprite.RenderUpdates() # We configure the enemies enemy_team = pygame.sprite.RenderUpdates() # We add 3 enemies for i in range(3): enemy_team.add(Enemy()) # We configure the asteroids group_asteroids = pygame.sprite.RenderUpdates() group_energy = pygame.sprite.RenderUpdates() # We create an object to simulate the explosion. group_explosion = pygame.sprite.RenderUpdates() # Configure the boxes that will contain text points_box = TextBox("Points: {}".format(points), font1, 10, 0) top_score_box = TextBox( "Best score: {}".format(top_score), font1, 10, 40) objectives_box = TextBox( "Objective: {}".format(OBJECTIVE_LVL - count_destroyed_droids), font1, 10, 80) time_box = TextBox("Time: {0:.2f}".format( initial_time), font1, WINDOW_WIDTH - 150, 0) energy_box = TextBox("Energy: {}".format( energy), font1, WINDOW_WIDTH - 150, 40) info_box = TextBox( "Press: ESC-Exit F1-Help F2-About...", font1, 10, WINDOW_HEIGHT - 40) group_box = pygame.sprite.RenderUpdates( points_box, top_score_box, objectives_box, time_box, energy_box, info_box) music_channel.play(background_sound, loops=-1, maxtime=0, fade_ms=0) loop_counter = 0 press_keys = True while (True): # Draw background window.blit(background, (0, 0)) # In case the player loses, he is not allowed to use keys. if press_keys == True: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT: self.exit_game() elif event.type == KEYDOWN: # We ask if a key has been pressed if event.key == K_F1: self.show_help() if event.key == K_F2: self.show_about() if event.key == K_p: self.pause_game() if event.key == K_ESCAPE: self.exit_game() if event.key == K_SPACE: laser_player_sound.play() group_laser_player.add( PlayerLaser(player.rect.midtop)) elif event.type == KEYUP: # We ask if you have stopped pressing any key player.x_speed, player.y_speed = (0, 0) # Basic controls for driving the spaceship key_pressed = pygame.key.get_pressed() if key_pressed or key_pressed: player.x_speed = -(RATE_PLAYER_SPEED) if key_pressed or key_pressed: player.x_speed = RATE_PLAYER_SPEED if key_pressed or key_pressed: player.y_speed = -(RATE_PLAYER_SPEED) if key_pressed or key_pressed: player.y_speed = RATE_PLAYER_SPEED else: # In case we run out of power. # 6 is the number of images of the animation * the DELAY + 20 more cycles to have a moment of pause total_loops = (DELAY_EXPLOSION * 6) + 20 if loop_counter == total_loops: break loop_counter = loop_counter + 1 # Put more asteroids at the top of the screen, if necessary. asteroid_counter += 1 if asteroid_counter == ADDNEW_ASTEROID_RATE: asteroid_counter = 0 group_asteroids.add(Asteroid()) # Creating droids # It is not to overload droids on the screen. enemy_creation_period += 2 if (len(enemy_team)) <= MAX_NUMBER_DROIDS and enemy_creation_period >= 450: enemy_team.add(Enemy()) enemy_creation_period = 0 elif (len(enemy_team)) <= MAX_NUMBER_DROIDS and enemy_creation_period == 210: enemy_team.add(Enemy()) enemy_team.add(Enemy()) elif (len(enemy_team)) <= MAX_NUMBER_DROIDS and enemy_creation_period == 50: enemy_team.add(Enemy()) enemy_team.add(Enemy()) enemy_team.add(Enemy()) # To determine the elapsed time current_time = time.perf_counter() elapsed_time = current_time - initial_time elapsed_time = elapsed_time * 2 # Death of the character. We control that it is carried out 1 time if energy <= 0 and press_keys == True: if points > top_score: top_score = points explosion_player.play() press_keys = False # To disabled pulse input group_explosion.add(Explosion(player.rect)) player.kill() loop_counter = 0 # Player wins elif count_destroyed_droids >= OBJECTIVE_LVL: if points > top_score: top_score = points press_keys = False # To disabled pulse input player.kill() loop_counter = 0 break # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # COLLISIONS OF SPRITES # ========================= # Collision with enemy laser and player for player in pygame.sprite.groupcollide(player_team, group_laser_enemy, False, True): energy = energy - 5 # Collision with laser and enemy for droid in pygame.sprite.groupcollide(enemy_team, group_laser_player, True, True): points += 15 group_explosion.add(Explosion(droid.rect, "explosion")) explosion_droid.play() count_destroyed_droids += 1 # Collision with laser and asteroids for asteroid in pygame.sprite.groupcollide(group_asteroids, group_laser_player, False, True): points += 5 group_explosion.add(Explosion(asteroid.rect, "smoke")) explosion_asteroid.play() # We ask if it's an asteroid that provides energy to change the image. if (asteroid.is_energetic): asteroid.image = asteroid.select_image( path.join('resources', 'energy.png'), True) asteroid.x_speed = 0 # To make it fall vertically asteroid.y_speed = 2 # To slow down group_energy.add(asteroid) group_asteroids.remove(asteroid) else: asteroid.kill() # Collision with asteroid and player for asteroid in pygame.sprite.groupcollide(group_asteroids, player_team, True, False): energy = energy - 7 # Decreases the ship's energy group_explosion.add(Explosion(asteroid.rect, "smoke")) collision_asteroid.play() # Collision with enemy and player for droid in pygame.sprite.groupcollide(enemy_team, player_team, True, False): energy = energy - 7 group_explosion.add(Explosion(droid.rect, "explosion")) explosion_droid.play() # Collision with energy and player for e in pygame.sprite.groupcollide(group_energy, player_team, True, False): if energy < 100: # Provides energy depending on asteroid energy = energy + e.energy_lvl if energy >= 100: energy = 100 pickup_sound.play() # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Update all groups # ============================= player_team.update() group_laser_player.update() enemy_team.update() group_laser_enemy.update() group_asteroids.update() group_energy.update() group_box.update() group_explosion.update() # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # REDRAW SPRITES # ======================= player_team.clear(window, background) group_laser_player.clear(window, background) enemy_team.clear(window, background) group_laser_enemy.clear(window, background) group_asteroids.clear(window, background) group_energy.clear(window, background) group_box.clear(window, background) group_explosion.clear(window, background) player_team.draw(window) group_laser_player.draw(window) enemy_team.draw(window) group_laser_enemy.draw(window) group_asteroids.draw(window) group_energy.draw(window) group_box.draw(window) group_explosion.draw(window) points_box.text = "Points: {}".format(points) top_score_box.text = "Best score: {}".format(top_score) objectives_box.text = "Objective: {}".format(OBJECTIVE_LVL - count_destroyed_droids) time_box.text = "Time: %.2f" % (elapsed_time) energy_box.text = "Energy: {0}%".format(int(energy)) info_box.text = "Press: ESC-Exit F1-Help F2-About..." # Show the energy bar self.show_energy_bar(energy) pygame.display.update() self.set_fps.tick(FPS) # ----------------------------------- # Stops the game and prints the score # =================================== self.print_score(points) time_lapse = 3000 # 3 sec pygame.time.delay(time_lapse) self.wait_for_key_pressed() music_channel.stop() def draw_text(self, text, font, surface, x, y): text_obj = font.render(text, True, TEXTCOLOR) text_rect = text_obj.get_rect() text_rect.topleft = (x, y) surface.blit(font.render(text, True, TEXTCOLOR), text_rect) def show_energy_bar(self, energy): # Draw a colored vertical energy bar. Red tones for low energy and green tones for high energy. red_lvl = 255 - ((energy * 2) + 55) if red_lvl < 0: red_lvl = 0 elif red_lvl > 255: red_lvl = 255 green_lvl = ((energy * 2) + 55) if green_lvl < 0: green_lvl = 0 elif green_lvl > 255: green_lvl = 255 color_rgb = (red_lvl, green_lvl, 0) pygame.draw.rect(window, color_rgb, (WINDOW_WIDTH - 30, WINDOW_HEIGHT - 30, 20, -1 * energy)) def show_help(self): # Let's update the screen window.blit(background, (0, 0)) pygame.display.update() # PLAYER AND DROIDS # ================= size_image = 50 # Player image = load_image(path.join('data', 'images', 'spaceship', 'ship_center_motor_on.png'), False, (size_image, size_image)) window.blit(image, (WINDOW_WIDTH * 0.5 - 25, WINDOW_HEIGHT * 0.75)) # Droid image = load_image(path.join('data', 'images', 'resources', 'droid.png'), False, (size_image, size_image)) window.blit(image, (WINDOW_WIDTH * 0.78 - 25, WINDOW_HEIGHT * 0.16)) # LASERS # ====== # Player laser width_laser = 3 height_laser = 30 image = load_image(path.join('data', 'images', 'resources', 'laser1.png'), False, (width_laser, height_laser)) window.blit(image, (WINDOW_WIDTH * 0.5, WINDOW_HEIGHT * 0.5)) # Enemy laser image = load_image(path.join('data', 'images', 'resources', 'laser3.png'), False, (width_laser, height_laser)) window.blit(image, (WINDOW_WIDTH * 0.78, WINDOW_HEIGHT * 0.25)) # ASTEROIDS AND ENERGY # ==================== # Asteroids size_image = 45 image = load_image(path.join('data', 'images', 'resources', 'asteroid.png'), False, (size_image, size_image - 5)) window.blit(image, (WINDOW_WIDTH * 0.3, WINDOW_HEIGHT * 0.16)) # Energetic asteroid image = load_image(path.join('data', 'images', 'resources', 'energetic_asteroid.png'), False, (size_image, size_image - 5)) window.blit(image, (WINDOW_WIDTH * 0.1, WINDOW_HEIGHT * 0.16)) # Energy size_image = 30 image = load_image(path.join('data', 'images', 'resources', 'energy.png'), False, (size_image, size_image - 5)) window.blit(image, (WINDOW_WIDTH * 0.2, WINDOW_HEIGHT * 0.5)) # KEYS size_image = 32 image = load_image(path.join('data', 'images', 'resources', 'K_w.png'), False, (size_image, size_image)) window.blit(image, (WINDOW_WIDTH * 0.48, WINDOW_HEIGHT * 0.66)) image = load_image(path.join('data', 'images', 'resources', 'K_a.png'), False, (size_image, size_image)) window.blit(image, (WINDOW_WIDTH * 0.4, WINDOW_HEIGHT * 0.78)) image = load_image(path.join('data', 'images', 'resources', 'K_s.png'), False, (size_image, size_image)) window.blit(image, (WINDOW_WIDTH * 0.48, WINDOW_HEIGHT * 0.87)) image = load_image(path.join('data', 'images', 'resources', 'K_d.png'), False, (size_image, size_image)) window.blit(image, (WINDOW_WIDTH * 0.57, WINDOW_HEIGHT * 0.78)) width_img = 128 height_img = 28 image = load_image(path.join('data', 'images', 'resources', 'K_SPACE.png'), False, (width_img, height_img)) window.blit(image, (WINDOW_WIDTH * 0.42, WINDOW_HEIGHT * 0.96)) # COMMENTS # ======== # Asteroids text1 = "Asteroids" text2 = "Destroy them and you'll earn points." text3 = "If you get hit, you lose energy." self.draw_text(text1, font3, window, WINDOW_WIDTH * 0.2, WINDOW_HEIGHT * 0.06) self.draw_text(text2, font2, window, WINDOW_WIDTH * 0.1, WINDOW_HEIGHT * 0.09) self.draw_text(text3, font2, window, WINDOW_WIDTH * 0.1, WINDOW_HEIGHT * 0.11) text1 = "Energetic asteroids release" text2 = "energy. Capture them!" self.draw_text(text1, font6, window, WINDOW_WIDTH * 0.02, WINDOW_HEIGHT * 0.25) self.draw_text(text2, font6, window, WINDOW_WIDTH * 0.04, WINDOW_HEIGHT * 0.28) # Energy text1 = "Energy" text2 = "Recovers energy. Capture them!" self.draw_text(text1, font3, window, WINDOW_WIDTH * 0.18, WINDOW_HEIGHT * 0.45) self.draw_text(text2, font2, window, WINDOW_WIDTH * 0.08, WINDOW_HEIGHT * 0.55) # Droid text1 = "Droid" text2 = "Destroy them and you'll earn points." self.draw_text(text1, font3, window, WINDOW_WIDTH * 0.75, WINDOW_HEIGHT * 0.06) self.draw_text(text2, font2, window, WINDOW_WIDTH * 0.6, WINDOW_HEIGHT * 0.09) text1 = "Avoid lasers or you'll lose energy." self.draw_text(text1, font6, window, WINDOW_WIDTH * 0.65, WINDOW_HEIGHT * 0.3) # Keys self.draw_text("Move up", font6, window, WINDOW_WIDTH * 0.46, WINDOW_HEIGHT * 0.63) self.draw_text("Move to the left", font6, window, WINDOW_WIDTH * 0.25, WINDOW_HEIGHT * 0.795) self.draw_text("Move to the right", font6, window, WINDOW_WIDTH * 0.62, WINDOW_HEIGHT * 0.795) self.draw_text("Move down", font6, window, WINDOW_WIDTH * 0.45, WINDOW_HEIGHT * 0.93) self.draw_text("Fire!", font6, window, WINDOW_WIDTH * 0.60, WINDOW_HEIGHT * 0.97) pygame.display.update() # We won't get out of the loop until we press a key. self.wait_for_key_pressed() def show_about(self): """ It will pause the game and display information about developers, version, etc. """ window.blit(background, (0, 0)) pygame.display.update() # Logo size_image = 96 image = load_image(path.join('data', 'images', 'spaceship', 'ship_center_motor_on.png'), False, (size_image, size_image)) window.blit(image, ((WINDOW_WIDTH / 2) - 25, (WINDOW_HEIGHT / 4))) # Title version = "0.1.0" self.draw_text("Star Wars " + version, font4, window, (WINDOW_WIDTH / 2) - 100, (WINDOW_HEIGHT / 2)) # Description self.draw_text('Space shooter game inspired by the Star Wars movie', font2, window, (WINDOW_WIDTH / 3) - 100, (WINDOW_HEIGHT / 2) + 50) # Copyright dev_year = "2018" current_year = time.strftime("%Y") if dev_year == current_year: time_lapse = dev_year else: time_lapse = dev_year + " - " + current_year self.draw_text("Copyright " + time_lapse, font2, window, WINDOW_WIDTH / 3 - 100, WINDOW_HEIGHT / 2 + 90) # Developers self.draw_text("Developers:", font2, window, WINDOW_WIDTH / 3 - 100, WINDOW_HEIGHT / 2 + 130) self.draw_text(" ■ Andrés Segovia<Andy-thor>:", font3, window, WINDOW_WIDTH / 3 - 100, WINDOW_HEIGHT / 2 + 155) self.draw_text('Press a key to play again', font3, window, WINDOW_WIDTH * 0.38, WINDOW_HEIGHT - 50) pygame.display.update() # We won't get out of the loop until we press a key. self.wait_for_key_pressed() def print_score(self, points): if count_destroyed_droids >= OBJECTIVE_LVL: msg = "You have won!" sound = game_won_sound else: msg = "You have lost!" sound = game_lost_sound # Prints obtained score self.draw_text(str(points), font5, window, WINDOW_WIDTH * 0.5, WINDOW_HEIGHT / 2 - 50) # Prints custom message self.draw_text(msg, font1, window, WINDOW_WIDTH * 0.42, WINDOW_HEIGHT / 2) self.draw_text('Press a key to play again', font3, window, WINDOW_WIDTH * 0.38, WINDOW_HEIGHT - 50) pygame.display.update() music_channel.play(sound, loops=0, maxtime=0, fade_ms=0) def wait_for_key_pressed(self): while True: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT: self.exit_game() if event.type == KEYDOWN: if event.key == K_ESCAPE: # When we press the "esc" key we're out of the game self.exit_game() # When we press any key we leave the loop and the game continues. return def pause_game(self): paused = True while paused: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT: self.exit_game() if event.type == KEYDOWN: if event.key == K_ESCAPE: self.exit_game() if event.key == K_p: paused = False self.draw_text("PAUSE", font5, window, (WINDOW_WIDTH / 2)-50, (WINDOW_HEIGHT / 2)) pygame.display.update() def exit_game(self): pygame.quit() sys.exit()









































项目1.0 超级玛丽






项目1.2 Pygame游戏《赛车计划》






项目4.2 我的世界游戏






项目4.3 欢乐打地鼠






项目4.6 泡泡龙






项目4.7 游戏合集








项目1.0 Python―2021 |已有文章汇总 | 持续更新,直接看这篇就够了






