

  Q: “What are some mind-blowing facts about Bitcoin?   




  1. Bitcoin creator, Satoshi Nakamoto, is still a mystery figure   










  2. Bitcoins are limited in number   








  3. It’s impossible to know the sender / receiver details   








  4. Pizza was the first thing (good) purchased using bitcoin   





After the first bitcoin transaction took place between Satoshi and Hal Finney in 2009, the first recorded purchase was made for buying pizza worth $25. To do so, 10,000 bitcoins were spent.




5.Bitcoin network is much powerful than supercomputers




According to the experts, Bitcoin networks has a computing power of 2,046,364 Pflop/s.The computing power of the 500 most powerful supercomputers, has a combined fever of 274 Pflop/s.


据专家介绍,比特币网络的计算能力为2046364 Pflop / s,而世界上最强大的500台超级计算机的计算能力合计才仅为274 Pflop / s。


6. Bitcoin has been sent into outer space




In 2016, Genesis Mining, a bitcoin cloud mining provider, set bitcoin to space. This was done using a 3D bitcoin model and a bitcoin paper wallet, which were tied to a weather balloon. The whole journey was recorded using a GoPro focused on the model and wallet. Once the weather balloon reached a height of 20 kilometers, the ground team made the transaction to paper wallet. Another transfer was made to the wallet once it achieved the maximum possible altitude of 34 kms.


2016年,比特币云采矿供应商创世纪矿业公司将比特币送到太空,此举是通过把一个3D比特币模型和一个比特币纸钱包固定在气象探测气球上来完成的。 整个旅程由一个焦点汇聚于比特币模型和纸钱包上的摄像机记录, 一旦气象探测气球达到20公里的高度,地面小组就会使用这个比特币纸钱包进行一次交易。一旦达到其升空最大限度34公里的高度,另一次比特币纸钱包交易将会进行。


6.A bitcoin transfer is irreversible





Transaction of bitcoin, a preferred currency involved in the transaction of illegal goods, can not be reversed. Unlike popular platforms like PayPal, you don’t get second chances while making a transaction.


比特币交易是不可逆的, 因而使其成为了非法商品交易的首选货币。不同于常用平台如Paypal, 这里的交易都是一锤子买卖。


7.The FBI has one of the world’s largest bitcoin wallets




When the FBI shut down the operations of the Silk Road, it also seized the owner’s assets. In that process, the FBI also became one of the world’s wealthiest bitcoin owners, A report from the Wired magazine claims that the FBI controls as much as $120 million.


当联邦调查局关闭丝绸之路黑市的时候, 它也没收了所有者的资产,此举让美国联邦调查局成为世界上最富有的比特币所有者之一。据一份源自《连线》杂志的报告声称,美国联邦调查局控制着价值高达1.2亿美元的比特币。


8.Losing a bitcoin wallet means losing those bitcoins





Just like you save your money in your online bank accounts, your bitcoins are saved in bitcoin wallet. It’s a highly secure storage wallet. But, if you lose it, your bitcoins are lost forever. It’s also impossible for any person to use your bitcoins from your wallet until you give it to them. Also, if you have a bitcoin address, you can see the number of bitcoins the owner has.


如同你把钱存在你的网上银行账户里一样,你的比特币就存在你的比特币钱包里。 这是一种安全性极高的存储钱包。 但是,如果你丢失了钱包,你的比特币也将会随之永远丢失。同样,任何人也不可能使用你钱包里的比特币,除非你把比特币交给他们。还有,如果你有一个比特币地址,你就可以看到所有者拥有的比特币数量。


10. Bitcoin is highly volatile





Since its launch, in past one decade bitcoin has become one of the most important phenomenon in the digital world. Its price has touched thousands of dollars. However, the price keeps fluctuating and it remains volatile. Predictions have also been made that bitcoin might fall in the future if it follows the current path. This is because a small number of people, about 10, control the majority of bitcoin. This defeats the entire decentralized nature of currency.


自从比特币推出以来,它已经成为了过去十年中数字世界里现象级的事件之一,其价格也业已达到数千美元一枚的高度。 然而,时至今日比特币的价格还在持续波动。 也有人预测比特币如果继续按照目前的道路发展下去,在未来它的价格价格将可能下跌。因为极少数人(约10个人)控制了绝大多数的比特币资源,这就违背了货币应该具有分散持有的天然属性。


11. If all richest people of world get together to buy bitcoin than it is impossible





Bitcoin price work on supply and demand. Let example there are 100 bitcoin. If somenone buy 1 coin than price of rest 99 will increase and with 2nd buy and price increase of 98 and it further goes.


供求关系左右着比特币价格的涨跌。 我们举例这里有100个比特币,如果有人以高于剩余99个比特币的价格购买1个比特币,那么剩余99个比特币的价格将上涨,以高于剩余98个比特币的价格购买第2个比特币,那么剩余98个比特币的价格将会进一步上涨。(完)
